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Ingredients & Serving

Where Can I Find Your Ingredients List?

On our homepage, scroll to “Our Delicious Fillings” to see the ingredients in every product we offer. Additionally, each product page has its ingredients listed under “INGREDIENTS”, below the product description.

What Kind of Pastry Dough Do You Use?

We make our own puff pastry dough by hand for all of our standard online orders. For special/custom orders greater than 4 dozen, we also offer other types of doughs, including phyllo and short crust. Please call us prior to placing your order if you would like us to prepare your order with something other than handmade puff pastry dough.

How Should I Warm or Bake My Bourekas?

Use your (thermal) oven or toaster oven to warm up or bake your Bourekas. Since oven temperatures can vary, we recommend warming or baking a single Boureka first to determine the optimum time and temp. Our general guidelines are:

DO NOT THAW them. Simply place them directly on a baking sheet and warm them in an oven at 250°F for about 7-10 minutes. Once warmed, increase the temperature to 400°F for about 3-4 minutes to get them crispy. If you are using a toaster oven, keep the temperature set at 250°F for about 7-10 minutes before turning the dial to TOAST for about 3-4 minutes to get them crispy.

Preheat your oven or toaster oven to 400°F, unwrap the Bourekas and place them un-thawed on a baking sheet lightly coated with oil or butter. If you want to add color and shine to the crust of your Bourekas, brush the tops with a beaten egg and sprinkle them with the seeds of your choice. Place them in the oven or toaster oven and bake at 400°F for about 7 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 375°F and continue baking for 15-18 minutes. If you prefer them darker, bake for an additional 2 minutes. You don’t need to take them out of the oven/toaster immediately. Simply turn off the oven/toaster and open the door halfway to keep them warm.

What’s The Best Way To Serve My Bourekas?

Depending on the occasion, your hosting style, number of guests, etc. you may want to arrange your Bourekas on a tray or use multiple trays (one per filling type). If you are hosting a small group of people and plan to serve your Bourekas as a “main” dish, you may want to supplement them with a couple of side dishes. For example, for breakfast or supper, add about 5-10 olives, a halved hard-boiled egg drizzled with tahini sauce, and a small salad. For lunch, serve your Bourekas with a cup of soup. Please check out our “Serving Bourekas” section for additional ideas.

How Long Will They Last? Is There An Expiration Date?

Frozen Bourekas will last in your freezer for at least 2 months. We do not recommend that you leave your baked Bourekas outside for more than a day unless you live in an area with cool temperatures. If you plan on eating/serving leftover baked Bourekas for more than a day, place them in a ziplock bag and freeze them for future use.

What If I‘m Allergic To An Ingredient?

If you are allergic to something on/in our Bourekas and would like us to either replace or remove a certain ingredient, please call us and we’ll do our best to accommodate your request.

Orders & Deliveries

Where And How Will You Deliver Your Bourekas?

Your Bourekas order will be delivered FROZEN, either BAKED or UN-BAKED on either TUESDAY’s or FRIDAY’s, as per your instructions. Please be sure to have someone available in person to accept your order. Note, orders of 1-4 dozen must be placed at least 48 hours prior to your desired delivery date; Orders of 5-7 dozen take 72 hours to process. While we will try to accommodate any order, we do reserve the right to refuse an order. Please keep in mind that at the moment we do NOT ship/deliver outside Orange County. Deliveries throughout OC are free of charge. Pick-ups are between noon and 5:00PM, Tuesdays & Fridays.

Can I Pre-Order For A Later Date?

Pre-orders are acceptable, however, you will be required to pay up front as you would for any order. Please use the Order Notes at checkout to specify your desired delivery date. We will send you an email to confirm your order and delivery date.

Can I Change My Delivery Address?

If you need to change the delivery address of your order, please email us the new address at least 24 hrs prior to the day your order is due to deliver. We will send you a confirmation email with the revised delivery address.

What's Your Refund Or Return Policy?

Standard orders of 1-4 dozens may be cancelled or changed 48 hours prior to their scheduled delivery date. Standard orders of 4-7 dozens may be cancelled or changed 72 hours prior to their scheduled delivery date. Cancelled orders will be refunded in full. We cannot accept cancellations for custom orders.